
TExtremeStatisticsOutput contains the results from a call to C_QueryExtremeStatistics.

typedef struct {

int Size;

double MostProbableExtremeValue;

double ExtremeValueWithRiskFactor;

double ReturnLevel;

TInterval ConfidenceInterval;

double Sigma;

double SigmaStdError;

double Xi;

double XiStdError;

} TExtremeStatisticsOutput;



Specifies the size, in bytes, of this data structure. Set this member to sizeof(TExtremeStatisticsOutput) before calling a function with TExtremeStatisticsOutput as a parameter.


The most probable extreme value associated with the StormDurationHours member of TExtremeStatisticsQuery. Commonly known as the MPM.

Only used for the evdRayleigh distribution.


The extreme value associated with the StormDurationHours member of TExtremeStatisticsQuery, with probability of occurrence specified by the RiskFactor member of TExtremeStatisticsQuery.

Only used for the evdRayleigh distribution.


The point estimate for return level associated with the StormDurationHours member of TExtremeStatisticsQuery.

Only used for the evdWeibull and evdGPD distributions.


The confidence interval associated with the point estimate of return level. The confidence level is specified by the ConfidenceLevel member of TExtremeStatisticsQuery.

Only used for the evdWeibull and evdGPD distributions.


The estimated scale parameter of the distribution.

Only used for the evdWeibull and evdGPD distributions.


The standard error of the scale parameter estimate.

Only used for the evdWeibull and evdGPD distributions.


The estimated shape parameter of the distribution.

Only used for the evdWeibull and evdGPD distributions.


The standard error of the shape parameter estimate.

Only used for the evdWeibull and evdGPD distributions.


If calculation of these values fails then the value is set to OrcinaNullReal.

See also

TExtremeStatisticsQuery, C_QueryExtremeStatistics.