
TExtremeStatisticsQuery specifies the query parameters for a call to C_QueryExtremeStatistics.

typedef struct {

int Size;

double StormDurationHours;

double RiskFactor;

double ConfidenceLevel;

} TExtremeStatisticsQuery;



Specifies the size, in bytes, of this data structure. Set this member to sizeof(TExtremeStatisticsQuery) before calling a function with TExtremeStatisticsQuery as a parameter.


The storm duration, or return period, for which the return level, most probable extreme value etc. are reported.


Specifies the risk factor, as a percentage. The risk factor is the probability of exceeding (or falling below, for lower tail) the estimated extreme value. The risk factor is used to determine the ExtremeValueWithRiskFactor member of TExtremeStatisticsOutput.

Only used for the evdRayleigh distribution.


Specifies the confidence level, as a percentage, for the confidence interval. The confidence level is used to detemined the ConfidenceInterval member of TExtremeStatisticsOutput.

Only used for the evdWeibull and evdGPD distributions.

See also

TExtremeStatisticsOutput, C_QueryExtremeStatistics.