Data: Validation

$\newcommand{\SB}{S_B} %body surface $ $\newcommand{\SI}{S_I} %interior free surface $ $\newcommand{\SF}{S_F} %exterior free surface $ $\newcommand{\fV}{\mathcal{V}} %fluid volume $ $\newcommand{\VInt}{\fV_{\textrm{Int}}} %displaced volume $ $\newcommand{\omegahat}{\widehat{\omega}}$ $\newcommand{\omegahatest}{\widehat{\omega}_{\textrm{est}}}$

OrcaWave performs a series of validation checks on your data. The results are grouped into information, errors and warnings:

Warning levels

The values of the warning levels are set on the calculation and output page, but they are used only for data validation. They are not used by OrcaWave during the calculation.

The minimum body volume is a warning level applied to the displaced volume of each body in your analysis.

The maximum panel aspect ratio is applied to each mesh panel. Long slender panels may give a poor quality discretisation of the integral equations and should generally be avoided. The length scale at which your mesh can resolve the problem is typically determined by the maximum dimension of the panels. Therefore, having many long slender panels can imply a relatively coarse resolution and a slow run time (because of an increased number of panels). In a worst case scenario, a large number of slender panels could cause badly conditioned rows in the matrix equations and lead to numerical errors.

Note: Although slender panels should be avoided in general, they may be useful in the specific case of panels adjacent to the waterline in a second-order analysis. The accuracy of second-order loads can often benefit from such panels, e.g. by using vertical cosine spacing near the waterline.

The minimum panels per wavelength implies a maximum panel size. For instance, a value of 5 for this metric means a warning will be triggered if any panel is larger than 20% of the wavelength of any wave in the environment. Since the potential is assumed constant on each panel, smaller panels gives a better quality discretisation. Accurately resolved results typically need panels that are several times smaller than the wavelength.

If you select to perform validation of panel arrangement, then the following warning levels become active.

The maximum overlap of panels.

The maximum gap between panels.

The maximum angle between normals of adjacent panels.

Required memory estimate

The validation information includes an estimate of the memory that your model will require per thread during the OrcaWave calculation. This can inform your choice of thread count for parallel processing, which is especially important for models with large meshes. The most significant factors affecting the memory requirement are:

Environment data validation

Note: OrcaWave is able to compute a better estimate of $\omegahatest$ (i.e. closer to the true $\omegahat$) if you perform validation of panel arrangement. Therefore the warning message about irregular frequencies may change, or disappear, if you toggle the panel arrangement data item.

Body data validation

Field point validation

Mesh validation

The lists below explain the various tests that are performed. These are intended to catch the most common mistakes that can creep in. However, it is impossible to anticipate every possible situation, so you are recommended to always use the mesh view to check that the mesh looks visually correct.

Validation may raise error/warning messages that contain a list of panel indices indicating which panels have failed a particular test. You can visualise the panels involved by highlighting them in the mesh view. The mesh details page, which gives detailed information on every panel and every waterline, can be useful for understanding and fixing the error/warning.

Tip: In some cases you may need to find the source data, in your mesh file, from which a particular panel originates. This can be done using the mesh file panel indices in the mesh view.

All panels are checked for the following criteria:

Note: If your mesh contains a symmetry plane, any error/warning messages will give a list of panel indices for panels in the first half (or quadrant) of the mesh that fail to meet the criterion.
Tip: If OrcaWave warns about non-planar panels, consider using the divide non-planar panels option. You can use the mesh view to see the effect on the geometry. If your mesh has a lot of non-planar panels, using this option will increase the run time of a calculation so you might prefer to remesh instead.

Body meshes are checked for the following:

If performing validation of panel arrangement, the following criteria are also checked:

Parent model validation (for restart analyses)

Note: There is no restriction on the meshes for control surfaces or the free surface panelled zone of a QTF calculation. They can be different from the parent model.