Mesh view: View parameters

The view shown in a mesh view window is determined by the following parameters, which can be adjusted using the view control buttons or the edit view parameters item on the view menu.


The diameter of the view area. This is the length of the smaller of the 2 sides of the view window. This parameter must be greater than zero.

Example: If the window on screen is wider than it is high, and view size = 100 then an object 100 units high would just fill the height of the window.


The coordinates of the centre of the window, in the global coordinate system.

Azimuth, elevation and gamma

These determine the direction (from the view centre) from which the model is viewed and the rotation about this direction. The azimuth angle is measured from the $G\urm{X}$ axis towards the $G\urm{Y}$ axis. The elevation angle is then measured positive upwards from there. The view shown is that seen when looking from this direction, i.e. by a viewer who is in that direction from the view centre. The gamma angle rotates about this view direction.

Example: View elevation = +90° means looking in plan view from above, and view elevation = 0°, view azimuth = 270° (or -90°) means a standard elevation view, looking along the Y axis.

To set the default view parameters, first set up a 3D view to the default view that you want and then use the set as default view command (on the view menu or popup menu).