User interface: View menu


This checked items in this submenu determine which object types are drawn.


Copies the 3D view to the clipboard as an image.


Saves the 3D view as an image file. A range of file formats are supported and can be specified on the save file dialog.

Selected printer

Allows you to change the selected printer.

Printer setup

Opens the Windows printer setup dialog.


Prints the 3D view.

Monochrome output

If this is checked then external output (clipboard, exported images, printing etc.) is in black and white. This is useful with black and white printers, since otherwise pale colours may be drawn in very light grey and may be hard to see.

View options

Determines the visibility of the view options panel.

Edit view parameters

Adjust the view parameters for the 3D view.

Rotate up / down / left / right

Change the view direction by the view rotation increment.

Zoom in / zoom out

Click the zoom button to zoom in (decrease view size) or SHIFT+click it to zoom out (increase view size).


Set the 3D view to a plan view (elevation = 90°).


Set the 3D view to an elevation view (elevation = 0°).

Rotate 90 / rotate -90

Increase (or decrease) the view azimuth by 90°.

Reset to default view

Set the view parameters to be the default view of the model.

Set as default view

Set the default view of the model to be the view parameters of the 3D view.

Show entire mesh

Set the view parameters so that the entire mesh will be displayed.