
C_CreateModel2 creates an OrcaFlex model.

void C_CreateModel2(

TOrcFxAPIHandle *lpModelHandle,

const TCreateModelParams *lpCreateModelParams,

int *lpStatus



lpModelHandle (OUT)

Points to a variable in which to store the handle of the newly created model.

lpCreateModelParams (IN)

Points to a structure containing parameters which determine how the model is created. If you do not wish to specify these parameters then pass NULL and default values will be used. Passing NULL is equivalent to calling C_CreateModel.

lpStatus (OUT)

Points to a variable in which the status result for the function call will be returned.


When you have finished using a model you must destroy it by calling C_DestroyModel.

See also

C_CalculateStatics, C_CreateModel, C_DestroyModel, C_DisableModule, C_EnumerateObjects, C_GetNumOfSamples, C_GetSampleTimes, C_LoadData, C_LoadSimulation, C_ObjectCalled, C_SetProgressHandler.