
C_CreateModel creates an OrcaFlex model.

void C_CreateModel(

TOrcFxAPIHandle *lpModelHandle,

HWND hCaller,

int *lpStatus



lpModelHandle (OUT)

Points to a variable in which to store the handle of the newly created model.

hCaller (IN)

This parameter is ignored – 0 should be passed.

lpStatus (OUT)

Points to a variable in which the status result for the function call will be returned.


When you have finished using a model you must destroy it by calling C_DestroyModel.

See also

C_CalculateStatics, C_CreateModel2, C_DestroyModel, C_DisableModule, C_EnumerateObjects, C_GetNumOfSamples, C_GetSampleTimes, C_LoadData, C_LoadSimulation, C_ObjectCalled, C_SetProgressHandler.