
Call C_SetProgressHandler to set up an application defined handler for progress notification. This allows your application to be given notification of the progress of time consuming operations. Progress is notified when you call C_GetRangeGraph, C_GetRangeGraph2, C_GetRangeGraph3, C_GetRangeGraph4, C_GetSampleTimes, C_GetSpectralResponseGraph, C_GetStaticResult, C_GetStaticResult2, C_GetTimeHistory, C_GetTimeHistory2, C_LoadData, C_LoadSimulation, C_OpenLinkedStatistics, C_OpenLinkedStatistics2, C_ProcessBatchScript, C_SaveData and C_SaveSimulation.

void C_SetProgressHandler(

TOrcFxAPIHandle ModelHandle,

TProgressHandlerProc ProgressHandlerProc,

int *lpStatus



ModelHandle (IN)

The handle of the model.

ProgressHandlerProc (IN)

A callback function to handle progress notifications. If you do not want to receive progress notification pass NULL.

lpStatus (OUT)

Points to a variable in which the status result for the function call will be returned.

See also
