Networked Dongles

To set up the dongle for use over a network:

The basic steps are outlined below and the files and programs mentioned can all be found in the Dongle\NetKit directory on the Orcina CD, or downloaded from the Orcina website:

The initial set up of a dongle for use over a network should normally be carried out by your computer network manager, some of the steps outlined below may require administrator privileges.

  1. If necessary, change the access mode of the dongle to network access mode.
  2. Connect the dongle to the machine that will be your dongle server. The dongle server can be any machine on the network, usually a server but it does not need to be, it must be running a Windows operating system (Windows Vista or later, 32 or 64 bit). The machine needs to be running whenever users wish to run any Orcina program that requires that dongle.
  3. Install and run the Licence Manager program on the dongle server machine. During the installation, you may be prompted to allow the installation of the dongle device driver if it is not already present: you should accept this.
  4. Set up a network configuration file on each client machine which will be running the Orcina software.

When an Orcina program is run it first looks for a dongle in local access mode (i.e. one plugged into the local machine) and it will use this if it finds one. If no local access dongle is found, the program then starts looking for a dongle on the network. The search starts with the network configuration file on the local computer which identifies one or more servers with a licence manager. The program then requests a licence from each Licence Manager in turn until it finds an available licence.